Bank Fraud

John Chiarello
2 min readFeb 27, 2021



My name is John Chiarello- My mom died 11–5–20. I’m closing her final affairs. T.D. bank of North Bergen [7815 Kennedy Blvd. N.B. N.J.] Has held back by fraud 4,000 dollars she had in a checking account. Her Name was Patricia Chiarello. I have sent all legal documents to the bank [Letters Testimentary- Will- Death Certficate- My I.D. and all legal paperwork needed. I have proof they received the packet [Sent certified by U.S. overnight mail. They refuse to send the money. They did this before while my mom was living- She had a C.D. of over 10,ooo dollars. She contacted them and they told her they decided to keep the money because she had no contact with them for 6 months. My uncle sent a letter to the bank at the time stating they stole her money and would pursue legal action. Then they gave her her money. I am sending this letter to multiple agencies today [U.S. justice Department- Governor of New Jersey. Mayor of New Jersey- Nick Sacco- who was my school principle as a boy in North Bergen and a long time family friend. I am a retired firefighter living in Texas. My dad was a retired Captain with the North Bergen Fire Department. I am also reporting this bank fraud to the legal authorities today. Thank you- John Chiarello

966 Crossbill C.C. Texas 78418.

The account at T.D. Bank is 436 175 4265- Checking account with over 4 thousand Dollars.

Her address was 9115 Smith Ave North Bergen New Jersey.

My phone number is 361- 461–0588

Email- ccoutreach87[at]

Ccoutreach87 [at] proton

I am also the Pastor of CCoutreach 87 and a retried firefighter from Texas.

Please respond as soon as possible- Thank you.



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