Kings 21 [Text]

John Chiarello
4 min readJun 27, 2023



1Kings 21:20 And Ahab said to Elijah, Hast thou found me, O mine enemy? And he answered, I have found thee: because thou hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the LORD.
1Kings 21:21 Behold, I will bring evil upon thee, and will take away thy posterity, and will cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel,

Links to my sites here and the bottom of every post- Most updated at bottom.


Kings 21 videos-!Aocp2PkNEAGMgWvbgKh0hf3a1jv5

.Cars and Google
.Naboth’s vineyard
.The land was a covenant promise
.Jezebel’s manipulation
.The leaders colluded too!
.2 false witnesses
.Elijah confronts Ahab- again
.Judgment pronounced
.Ahab repents
.Judgment delayed
.Jezebel’s sin? Manipulation of the system

For today’s post -the ‘NEW’ will be ‘NO NEW’-
When I first began this study on Kings- the only [main] reason I started it was because I had already written a commentary on it years ago.
I actually do not remember the commentaries I have written in the past until I check my sites.
And if I see I already wrote one- then it saves me time because I simply teach the video- add the points- and add the past teaching below.
But I found that I usually write a NEW section anyway.
But for this post- I will leave it the way it is- and stick with the original plan- at least for now.
As I type this I think we will begin the book of Colossians next.
I’m trying- at least at this point- to teach the main New Testament books that sum up the faith- that talk about justification by faith- and how we as believers are in Grace.
I have already taught Romans- Galatians- Hebrews and a few others.
So I think Colossians will be next.
So for today- the NEW stuff will be NO NEW- I’ll try and add the relevant teaching below-

PAST POSTS [Past teaching I did that relates- Verses below]
1ST KINGS 21- Ahab wants the field of Naboth, he owns a field next to Ahab’s palace and Ahab wants to make a deal for it. Naboth says ‘no way, this is a part of my family inheritance’. So Ahab goes home, falls on his bed and refuses to eat, in the Greek this is called ‘being a big baby’. So Jezebel asks him ‘what’s wrong’? He gives her the scoop and she says ‘what’s wrong with you, you are the king! Your word/name has great power, use it to get what you want!’ So she manipulates the situation and sends letters to the elders of Naboth’s city, she signs the kings name and says ‘set up 2 false witnesses against Naboth, hold a public mock trial and kill the man’. The accusation against him is blasphemy. This sure looks like a prophetic sign of the Cross. So the plan is carried out, the guy is killed and Ahab gets the land. Now, the Lord speaks to Elijah about the whole thing and he confronts Ahab, he pronounces judgment on him and his wife. Ahab repents somewhat and God delays the judgment. In the book of Revelation God warns the church of Thyatira ‘you have permitted that woman, Jezebel, to teach and seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols’. John the Baptists head was taken off by a Jezebel [the wife of a king who used her husband’s authority to get what she wanted- manipulation]. What/who is Jezebel? A few years back it was common to hear teachings on her, whole books have been written on the subject. It was one of those fads where the church thought we were really doing ‘spiritual warfare’ by exposing her, but in reality we were being duped by focusing too much on the enemy. So what about the rebukes? How do we ‘spot her’? In the cases mentioned above, it is speaking of a form of manipulation that gets the ‘authorities’ to commit wickedness. When the govt. can stamp its approval on an act, like abortion, then the wicked act can be carried out because the ‘law’ permits it. In Naboth’s mock trial, he was murdered, but it was under pretense of law. Of course Jesus trial was the same. And John the Baptist was beheaded because the ‘kings word is law’. Oliver Cromwell, the 17th century parliamentarian reformer, would face his Jezebel in the king’s wife, she was the Catholic wife of King Charles [Stuart the 1st] and the puritan reformer saw her as a threat. He would eventually lead parliament to execute the king and himself hold the title ‘The Lord Protector’ his epitaph would read ‘Christ, not man, is King’. So every age has had to deal with Jezebel. One thing for sure, when the people of God permit, and at times agree, with the unjust [Some sites see here

manipulation of human govt. [like Supreme Court decisions that



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