Sunday sermon
Sunday sermon
Micah 4:8 And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.
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Sunday sermon video made 1–6–19-
1–6–19 Sunday sermon!Aocp2PkNEAGMikMM-7-sYRUoGRBQ
Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill. Sunday Sermon
.Isaiah’s vision
.Brief history of war
.Mosul- Iraq
.Mosul [why so little coverage of the civilian deaths?]
.Jesus end times teaching
.Hacksaw Ridge
.Pearl Harbor
.Winston Churchill
.The bomb
.Joseph Stalin
.Did we need to drop the bomb?
.Where there political motivations [Like the dividing up of territory after the war]?
.Death row story
.Challenge the mindset
.Speak truth
Update- This Sunday I shared a ‘re-post’ of a past Sunday teaching. I will try and post the video I make today to my sites [as of now- I’m not sure if I will make a video today].
I added the verses below [in the verses section] for the video I made for Sunday [ 1–6–19].
I have missed- or ‘passed up’ chances to to do some of my off the cuff videos this past week-
And I do plan on doing those updates from time to time.
As of now I’m trying to focus on posting videos and posts that teach.
Posts that will educate people- often times in areas that are really not that exciting.
But they are important.
As most of you know I read thru the bible- the whole bible- on a regular basis.
I do this every night- and have been doing it for years.
In order to teach- to communicate- you need to study.
As I have been learning new sites- going thru the whole process of developing effective systems to communicate-
I see that it is easy for the younger generation to master these types of skills- most kids in the 1st grade know how to use a smart phone!
Yet many of the older generation have never even learned how to get on-line.
But much of what people use these great advances in technology for are actually things that don’t matter- in the end.
So for now- I’ll leave this update as is.
I encourage you- all of you- to redeem the time- to use the skills you do have- for an eternal purpose.
When we teach the Word of God- and make plain the gospel- then yes-
It does have an eternal impact.
The simple message of the gospel has been handed down from generation to generation.
The apostle Paul hand wrote the letters we find in our New testaments [yes- he had others write for him as well- as he dictated].
But the point is- he had such limited resources and time- but the message of Christ was deemed so important that after he wrote the letters- he would send them out- and ask that the letters would also be read- passed around to the other communities as well.
And it was in this simple act of discipline and obedience- that we can Google each and every word Paul wrote-
And brilliantly it will pop up on every device you can imagine.
But first- he had to sit- and write- at times he practiced this discipline- even while sitting in a jail cell.
So I guess this little update has some teaching value-
And Yes- I had to set aside about 20 minutes to do it!
God bless you all-
Past notes here-
I made 2 videos on this Sunday- not realizing it was ‘planned’ that I would do this.
On Sunday I usually cover the verses- message from one of the local churches I attend- and the verses from the Sunday Mass.
But I also wanted to cover some breaking news- and tried to to that on the first video-
Which I posted the other day.
I also talked about war- killing- the political motivations that have played an role in war.
I also talked about Isaiah 6 on the first video of that Sunday.
Then I went to church- Church Unlimited.
Pastor Bil Cornelius is doing a series ‘’at the movies’’ — and he showed clips of the movie Hacksaw Ridge.
The true story of a Christian who took the commandment-
Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill.
as meaning he should never kill another- not even in war.
During the service I was getting worried because there were not a lot of verses I could speak on.
I didn’t have time to listen to the Sunday mass on the radio- so I figured I would use the verses from the sermon.
But there weren’t many-
So- I just waited for Bil to share a verse or 2 while they were showing clips of the movie.
Those are the verses I talk about on today’s video.
Most people who have seen the movie will rightfully praise the story of Desmond Doss-
The christian conscientious objector who refused to kill- based on the plain words of the bible.
They will watch the story of how he risked his life by being a medic- and how God supernaturally protected him on the field- while heroically saving his own men.
Yet- many of us will miss the simple message.
Desmond took the words THOU SHALT NOT KILL literally.
He believed them- and sure enough- he was right- which is what makes the story so valuable.
Yet- many who view the movie will rarely re-think the causes of war- killing.
Many will praise Desmond for believing these words THOU SHALT NOT KILL and yet leave the theater- and continue to believe that war- killing- is ok.
One of the verses Bil quoted was actually what I taught about on the first video of this Sunday-
Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
Isaiah 6:9 And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not.
It was the prophetic calling of Isaiah- that would challenge the norms of the day.
As I taught on the other post- it was Isaiah challenging mindsets among the people of God.
How could they be so wrong in their sincere worship of God- and not actually see it?
I also taught on the verse-
They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. John 16:2
And tried to challenge our our mindsets.
Could there ever come a time- when Christians think the killing of other Christians- for no good cause- or a fake cause- would be ‘doing God’s will’.
And yet- some Christians today hold to this view- not realizing they too have embraced a contrary mindset to the Word of God.
During the Iraq war- some Iraqi Christians who served in the army- were indeed killed- by well meaning American Christian soldiers-
This killing was based on false Intelligence that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
We later found out we were wrong.
Now- I simply want you to see how many Christians in our day- still think that those few Christian soldiers in the Iraqi army- who were killed by us- was still a good thing.
I do not fault our men for doing this- I hold the leaders of our country responsible for starting an unjust war.
Yet those who were killed- on false pretense- were killed unjustly.
And yet- many in the Western world still think it was not only good that we did that-
but it was actually pleasing to God.
I found it interesting that this Sunday I made 2 videos- and sure enough- they both fit.
John. [These are old Sunday sermons- the events might have changed- but the messgae is the same]
PAST POSTS [ Past teaching I did that relates to today’s post- SUNDAY SERMON-verses below]
(854)ROMANS 10: 1–13 Many years ago I referenced all the back up scriptures for this chapter [and book!]. The study was intense because I saw a fundamental ‘fault line’ that ran thru many in the Evangelical church [the revivalist tradition]. The ‘fault line’ was reading this chapter as in if it were saying ‘ask Jesus into your heart, or you won’t be saved’. Now, I have no problem with those who trace their conversion to an experience like this. But I want to give you my understanding of this chapter, based on the exhaustive study I did years ago. Also, I will probably quote some verses and you will have to find them later [I forget where they all are]. Paul begins with his desire for ‘all Israel to be saved’. I taught in chapter one how come the gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Because all who believe ‘become righteous’. After 9 chapters of Romans, we have seen that when Paul refers to ‘justification by faith’ this is synonymous with ‘believing with the heart unto righteousness’. Here Paul’s desire is for Israel to experience ‘all facets of salvation’ [present and future] to ‘be saved’. Now, he will say ‘Christ is the end of the law to all who believe’ Israel did not attain unto ‘righteousness’ because they sought after it by trying to keep the law. But it comes only by faith. Then Paul quotes a kind of obscure verse from Deuteronomy saying ‘Moses says the righteousness which is by faith’ [note- this whole description that follows is describing ‘the righteousness that comes by faith’] and says ‘the word is near thee, in thy mouth and heart’. Paul then says ‘whoever calls on the Lord will be saved, with the heart a man believes and becomes righteous [which according to Paul means ‘justified’] and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation’. In this text, Paul once again is ‘dividing’ the common understanding of ‘salvation’ meaning ‘getting initially saved’- which is ‘believing and being justified’. And simply saying ‘believers will inevitably call and be saved’ [in a generic sense]. Why would he do this? In the context of his argument, he is simply showing the ‘righteousness which is from the law’ [the man under the law is described as ‘doing something’ continuing under the load and strain of law] versus the ‘righteousness which is by faith’ [described as a person who believes and speaks, as opposed to ‘does stuff’]. It is not inconsistent for Paul to use the term ‘confessing and being saved’ as speaking of something different than meaning ‘accepting Christ into your heart’. Paul is simply giving a description of those who believe ‘all who believe will call’. And yes, they will and do experience ‘salvation’. It’s just in this example Paul is not saying ‘they are saved initially upon confession, calling’. At least not ‘saved’ in the sense of ‘getting justified by faith’. Why? Because the rest of the chapter doesn’t make a whole lotta sense if he were saying this. ‘How can they call on him in whom they have not believed’? He already showed us that ‘believers are justified’. The very argument Paul makes distinguishes between ‘believing unto righteousness, and calling unto salvation’. You can see it like this, there is a verse I stumbled across years ago. It is in one of the prophets [Old Testament] and it says ‘Gods wrath will come upon all them WHO HAVE NOT CALLED UPON HIM’. In this context Paul can be saying ‘whoever calls upon God will never enter judgment/wrath’ [a description of a particular lifestyle, remember Paul said Gods Spirit makes us cry ‘Abba Father’] in this light Paul can be saying ‘all who call [both Jew and Gentile- simply making an argument for inclusion. God accepts ‘all who call’] will not come under future [or present!] wrath’. This would be in keeping with Peters scathing sermon in Act’s where he quotes the Prophet Joel and says ‘whosoever calls upon the Lord shall be saved’. If you go back and read Joel you will see that in context he is saying ‘at the future time of God’s revealed judgment, those who cry for deliverance will be spared’. Peter quotes it in this context as well. He shows Gods future time of judgment and ends with ‘all who call will be saved’. How do we know that Peter was not quoting Joel for some type of ‘sinner’s prayer’ thing? Because after the Jews say ‘what should we do’? He doesn’t lead them in a sinners Prayer! I don’t want to be picky, I simply want you to see context. Paul has already established multiple times thru out this letter how righteousness comes to those who believe. One of the descriptions of ‘those who believe’ are they ‘call upon God’. They even call upon God ‘to save them’. In this chapter the reason Paul uses ‘whosoever calls upon the lord will be saved’ is to simply show God will deliver both Jews and Gentiles. His promise of salvation is ‘to all’. When he uses ‘believing and being made righteous’ along with ‘calling and being saved’ he obviously can not be speaking about the same thing! He even states it this way in his argument. ‘How can they call unless they already believe’? He was simply giving a description of ‘those who believe’. This ‘calling for salvation’ that ‘all who believe’ partake of can speak both of a ‘present tense’ being saved, that is from any and all types of bad things, and a ‘future tense’ deliverance from wrath. Even when Paul quoted David in Roman’s 4, he is ‘describing the blessedness of the man unto whom God will not impute sin’ [Psalms 32] if you go back and read that psalm David says ‘for this shall EVERY ONE THAT IS GODLY PRAY UNTO THEE’. David uses this in the context of his confession of his sin. So the ‘everyone that is Godly’ describes ‘the righteous’ and they WILL CALL! Also in 2nd Corinthians Paul quotes Isaiah ‘now is the acceptable time, now is the day of salvation’ in the context of ‘God heard you and saved you’. Why would Paul use this in 2nd Corinthians? They need not be told ‘pray and get saved’. In context he used it to encourage them to return back into full communion and fellowship after their restoration and reproof he gave them in the first letter. He is saying ‘I rebuked you guys harshly, you repented and asked for forgiveness. God ‘heard you’ in his acceptable time, now get over it and ‘be restored’. Salvation to them came by ‘calling’ but it was not describing an initial conversion experience. Well, I didn’t realize I would go so long, but this is a good example of having a ‘holistic view’ of scripture. You try and take all the quotes the writers are using, put them in context of the broad themes of scripture. Add that to the immediate context of the letter [Romans] and then come to a deeper understanding of truth. I am not against those who see this chapter thru an evangelistic lens, I just think the way I taught it is more faithful to the text. [NOTE- Thru out this site I have taught the doctrine of ‘the salvation of the righteous’. I mentioned it earlier in Romans and have spoken on it before. If you can find these entries they will add some insight to this chapter. NOTE- verse 20 actually has Paul quoting Isaiah ‘I was found by them who did not ask for me’. This would sure seem strange to say in the same chapter that taught a concept of ‘all who ask for me will enter the kingdom’. It is quite possible to ask and pray and confess everything ‘just right’ and still not find him. And according to this verse, the ones who did ‘find him’ [Gentiles] did not ask! After years of coming to the above understanding I read a church council [Council of Orange?] and I was surprised to see how they actually dealt with the issue of believing versus ‘calling upon God’. They quoted some of these texts to show that before a person could call upon the Lord, he first needed faith. They used this example to show Gods sovereignty in salvation. I though it interesting that they came to the very same conclusions that I did. They even used the same examples! This shows you how the corporate mind of the church is manifestly expressed thru out the ages. I think the council was in the 8th or 9th century?
(855) ROMANS 10:14–21 [Just a note for the previous entry. In the conversions recorded in scripture [Acts] do you know how many times there is a reference to ‘calling upon the Lord’ during the conversion? Surprisingly one time. The conversion of Saul [Paul]! During one of the ‘re-tellings’ of his own story he says ‘I was told to arise, and be baptized. Washing away my sins while calling upon the Lord’. Wow, could we have arguments over this one! Do you identify the ‘washing away of sins’ with baptism or the ‘prayer’? I actually previously taught [somewhere on this long blog!] how in the 1st century Jewish mindset ‘washing from uncleanness’ and water were related. I taught it in a way that did not teach ‘baptismal regeneration’ but more along the lines of ‘discipleship’ you might find the entry under ‘my statement of faith’. The point I want to make here is Paul spent 3 days after the Lord appeared to him before he actually got baptized and made an open confession of faith. Paul’s reputation was so bad [he killed Christians!] that his conversion and confession needed to have all the weight possible. Others needed to know that he now ‘confessed Christ’. Most commentators will look to the appearance of Jesus to Paul on the Damascus road as his conversion. The point I want to make is in the book of Acts, the main ‘altar call’ was actually baptism. This was the normal means to identify with the believing community. We also see the fact that once people believed, they then were baptized. The same distinction can be made with ‘confessing’. Neither can take place until one believes. I would assume that Paul said something like this at his baptism ‘O Jesus, please forgive me for what I have done. I killed your people and have committed a terrible crime’. There obviously were some serious things he needed to confess! But the overall view of conversion in Acts does not show a ‘sinner’s prayer’ type conversion.] Paul indicts Israel ‘The word did come to you, you didn’t believe’. He also quotes Moses ‘God said he would provoke you to jealousy by a nation who were “no people”’. We are beginning a portion of Romans where Paul will try and explain the dynamic of Gods purpose for Israel, and his ‘use’ of the Gentile nations to ‘make them jealous’. When we studied the parables we saw this dynamic at work. Israel was offended that God [Messiah] was offering equal access to the promises of Israel thru Jesus. Israel was jealous of this free grace. Paul shows them that Moses prophesied that this day would come. You also see this in Stephens sermon in Acts chapter 7 ‘Moses said the Lord would raise up a prophet like me [Jesus!]’ and then Stephen shows how Israel also did not recognize that Moses was the intended deliverer of the people. So likewise 1st century Israel also did not recognize their Messiah [the first time around!]. God’s acceptance of the Gentiles was difficult for Israel to embrace. It took a divine vision for Peter, and he still ‘fell back’ into a caste system mentality. God is not finished with these dealings [Paul will say in the next few chapters] and he will make every effort to show both Jews and Gentiles that they are both important pieces to this ‘divine puzzle’. He will even warn the Gentiles ‘don’t get proud, if God cut off the true branches to graft you in, watch out! He might do the same with you.’ Paul is striving for both Jew and Gentile to live in harmony as much as possible, he did not want to come off as a defender of the Gentiles only. He was ‘defending the gospel’.
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